Yo! I'm Duarte. I'm not sure how to intro myself . My background is in UI development, but I love everything related to . In the last five years I discovered my niche: helping early-stage tech startups flourish. I work at . It's an app that you didn't think you , but once you try it, you can't live without it. I wear many different . But my main focus is hyping the through , brand awareness, community building and partnerships. Before that, I did basically the same thing for , specifically for RainbowKit, a fun way to connect a web3 wallet, and . Modulz is where it all started. There I co-created , a set of building blocks for your design system, with over 20M monthly downloads, and , a CSS-in-JS library with an API that has inspired many others. I live in with my family, but I was born in . I moved to (a fine city) when I was thirteen and then spent most of my life in London. You can find me on my username is @peduarte. I'm also on Instagram, GitHub, LinkedIn, and Strava.